2.0 GPA*
30 GE CSU-transferable units, completed with grades of "C" or better, which must include:
整个A区 (演讲、英语、批判性思维)
Area B4 (math)
*Minimum 2.奇科州立大学的本地服务区.
Local service area includes 30 units from: Butte, Shasta, Siskiyous, Lassen and Feather River.
Schools outside of the local service area will require a higher GPA for admission, 向转学咨询中心咨询.
Note: Summer courses may not be used to satisfy fall admission requirements.
转学咨询中心 assists students to develop major and campus specific academic plans to make students a priority to transfer.
To make an appointment, call the Butte College 转学咨询中心 at (530) 895-2264.
CLICK HERE 显示所有科罗拉多州立大学校园的地图. From the map, you will be directed to a list of majors offered from that CSU campus. You can click on the major for more detailed information about that major.
CLICK HERE 欲知有关 受影响的科罗拉多州立大学专业
点击这里“协助”网站 Major articulation agreements between Community Colleges and CSU/UC.
CSU申请日期 & Deadlines 找出哪些大学开放或关闭现金娱乐网注册.
科罗拉多州立大学校园网络服务器 能让你找到任何犯罪现场大学的网站.
加州申请 启动您的在线申请.
"Golden Four" 完成时间表.
选择学位 CSU提供了超过4个,100 undergraduate and graduate degrees through classroom and online instruction.
进入鉴证组 想知道入学要求和考试, 你被录取需要的成绩和考试分数?
支付大学学费 Find out how much it costs to go to the CSU and how to apply for a variety of types of financial aid.
校董会守则 Contains ALL school board codes necessary to complete an admission application.
探索校园 哪个犯罪现场调查组适合你? Go to to research CSUs by major, geographic location, school size, and more!
Admission applications are due to the universities during the priority filing period. Eligible applicants should apply during the priority filing period for the term they wish to enroll.
Please contact your TCC counselor or the front office staff to confirm application deadlines and/or extentensions to the filing period.
Csu申请日期 |
Summer |
Feb. 1-28 |
秋季学期 |
Oct. 1-Nov. 30 |
冬季学期 |
June 1-30 |
春季学期 |
Aug. 1-31 |
Remember! 申请应在优先申请月份内提交. |
Set a counseling appointment in the 转学咨询中心 to see if you have any additional requirements that pertain to your major.
Apply now! Apply here! Apply online!
2010年9月,前州长布朗. Schwarzenegger signed into law the Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act, also known as SB 1440. This joint initiative with the California Community Colleges and California State University puts the needs of our state's students first.
The new Associate's Degree for Transfer program makes it easier for you to transfer from the California Community Colleges to the California State Universities (CSUs).
When you complete your AA-T or AS-T degree and meet the minimum eligibility requirements at Butte College, you are guaranteed priority admission consideration to the CSU system, 虽然不是特定的校园.
This website is designed to explain the guarantee and help you identify an AA-T or AS-T degree at Butte Colllege that is right for you.
Research indicates Community college students generally transfer with an average of 80 semester units (or 120 quarter units) when only 60 semester units (or 90 quarter units) are required. 因为不是所有的课程都可以转学, they often need to retake their community college courses at the CSU. AA-T/AS-T度最大限度地减少了这些冗余.
通过新项目, your AA-T or AS-T gives you a special GPA advantage when you apply to a CSU impacted campus or program.
Additionally, you have the opportunity to enter the CSU system and complete a bachelor's degree program with only 120 semester (180 quarter) units if you apply and are admitted into a similar degree program.
The AA-T/AS-T degree presumes that you will transfer to a CSU into an approved "similar" major and finish the remaining required coursework to earn a bachelor's degree at that CSU. AA-T/AS-T degrees prepare you for their degree's upper division coursework.
如果你申请的是拥有AA-T/AS-T学位的csu, 你将被优先考虑进入CSU系统. Your transfer degree ensures admission to a bachelor's degree program similar to the AA-T/AS-T degree that you earned, 但不是特定的犯罪现场组校园.
STEP 1. 前往科罗拉多州立大学学生转学网站探索您的选择.
STEP 2. Select search by Major of Interest, CCC College and CSU Campus — and then submit.
在您审阅了这些页面上的信息之后, visit the Counseling and Advising Center or 转学咨询中心 to learn more about how the joint transfer program can help you achieve your educational goals.
转专业副学士学位和大学搜索: http://www.calstate.edu/apply/transfer/Pages/associate-degree-for-transfer-major-and-campus-search.aspx
转学副学士学位: http://icangotocollege.com/associate-degree-for-transfer
Fall Hours:
周一至周四上午8点.m.- 4:30 p.m.
星期五:上午8点.m.-12:00 p.m.
To book an online appointment click on schedule appointment link above left.
Butte Campus Drive 3536号(SAS 110)